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The Gospel of Honor (or “Honour”)


The Gospel of Honor (or “Honour”)

I’m very glad to have my essay/review of Tamlar Sommers’s Why Honor Matters (2018) published in the Fortnightly Review.

It explores what Aristotle, Boethius, Machiavelli, and others, such as Martha Nussbaum have to say about the concept of honor.

But beware, it’s a long read (4100 words):

Nobility and Novelty

pencil shavings

Nobility and Novelty

I’m very happy to have another essay published in The Fortnightly Review.

In “A Charming Sense of Novelty,” I discuss nobility and novelty via Prince William’s new haircut, cognitive types, and Samuel Johnson’s knack for ferocious argumentation.

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Benedict Options and New Republics

bookbread athens

There’s not much to add all the commentary about The New Republic being put out to pasture. Ezra Klein has about the best summary of it all that I’ve come across, and have noting that, “Now [Chris] Hughes is putting the magazine back up for sale.” Klein goes on to quote Hughes’ letter to his soon to be ex-employees:

I will be the first to admit that when I took on this challenge nearly four years ago, I underestimated the difficulty of transitioning an old and traditional institution into a digital media company in today’s quickly evolving climate,” Hughes wrote in an article that, oddly, was published on Medium rather than the New Republic’s web site.

Klein then observes:

TNR’s problems have been largely being laid at Hughes’s doorstep. And, to some degree, that’s fair. Transitioning an old and traditional institution into a digital media company is hard, but it’s not as hard as Hughes made it look….

Hughes believed his charge was to make TNR a viable web publication, in a world where viability — and, arguably, influence — requires web traffic. That meant publishing more, publishing faster, and publishing the kinds of quick hits and aggregations that help build audience on the cheap.

In a strange sentence on his Medium post, Hughes writes, “Even though our search for a workable business model has come up short, we have shown that digital journalism isn’t at odds with quality and depth.” But if digital journalism of quality and depth is at odds with a workable business model, then digital journalism of quality and depth won’t survive.

I can’t help but wonder what kind of lessons might be learned from this by those who choose the Benedict Option.  Where Klein writes–“Transitioning an old and traditional institution into a digital media company is hard“–one can imagine Rod Dreher & Co. similarly observing:

….transitioning an old and traditional American church into a twenty-first century life-changing, life-preserving institution will be hard……


Why are books so big? (Got Medieval)

Got Medieval: Why are books so big? (Google Penance).

Set Your Font to 282,000,000,000 to Reach the Moon (Gizmodo)

Set Your Font to 282,000,000,000 to Reach the Moon.

The Kindle and the iPad at 400x (Three Percent Blog)

From Three Percent (University of Rochester’s Translation Blog):

The Kindle and the iPad at 400x.

BookBook for iPad is Here (DesignYouTrust.com)

BookBook for iPad is Here | Design You Trust.

Manga + Shakespeare = What More Could You Need? (Hindustan Times)

Baffled by wordy Shakespearen volumes? – Hindustan Times.

Full digitized version of Gutenberg Bible (Ransom Center)

See full digitized version of the Gutenberg Bible | Cultural Compass.

How Not to Write a Submission Letter (Fiction Writers Review)

Fiction Writers Review » Blog Archive » I hope this submission leaves you in a condition of uncontrolled and irreversible “wow.”.