Bookbread strives for honesty and transparency in its conversations about books and literature, which is why it abides by the NYR tag. Â But Rob Walker over at murketing explores the implications of reviewing books without ever having to make contact with the text itself:
[Physical] books will continue to have covers, front matter, blurbs, and other elements of the “framework†Talyor describes. In my (limited) experience, publishers dothink of these things as something like a movie trailer or advertisement. That is, they think about the cover design and title and so on in terms of potential readers: How to attract them, get their attention, hook them, reel them in. Will a shorter subtitle grab more people? What snappy language on the flap is most likely to lead to a sale? Is the cover bold enough to stand out from the pile at Barnes & Noble? Etc.
This idea of blind book reviewing is not quite what Bookbread had in mind in endorsing Rebecca West’s proposal for an abusive criticism.
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